Supporting Student Transitions
Please send your feedback on this core component to:

- Guiding Questions
- Goal
- Key Actions
- Indicators of Progress
- Internal Resources
- External Resources / Community Service Providers
Guiding Questions
- How can we support student transitions in a manner that strengthens the home-school partnership?
- What role can the home team and community service providers play in supporting student transitions?
- How can work experience opportunities be designed to optimally support a complex learners’ transition to adult life?
- What are the key foundational supports that can be provided in the classroom to assist with daily transitions?
- To effectively and meaningfully support student transition.
Key Actions
- Collect data from parents, school personnel and experts from the field on ways to better support student transition.
- Divide this component into four areas of focus that include: Pre-K / Kindergarten transition, Grade 7/8 transition, Grade 12 / Adult Life transition, Supporting daily transition.
- Schedule inservice with Learning Services Teachers, Work Experience Teachers, Work Experience Facilitators and Secondary Vice Principals to examine and revise practice with respect to work experience for students with complex needs
- Further develop partnerships with community service providers to support student transition.
- Schedule an annual event that brings together parents of incoming K students with complex needs, community service providers and school personnel to support the successful transition of students into the school district.
- Meaningfully integrate this component with the work being done on: strengthening the home-school partnership, celebrating the unique me, designing quality educational plans, keeping complex learners safe, nurturing social-emotional development and mental health, and enhancing professional skillset.
Indicators of Progress
- Collect pre and post data from parents and school personnel who are supporting a complex learner to determine if key actions have resulted in successful outcomes as they relate to supporting student transition.
- Use this information to meaningfully inform key actions for further development of this component in the 2018/2019 academic year.
NVSD44 Internal Resources
Transition Planning – Handbook for Students in Grades 10 to 12 with Special Needs
This document articulates the values and beliefs of the North Vancouver School District, working in collaboration with community agencies. It outlines a framework to support young people with complex special needs, in their transition from school to adult services. Click here to read the full document.
The Exceptional Journey – Moving to Adulthood | May 1, 2018 |
Presented by members of the North Shore Youth Transition Committee, the Exceptional Journey event features discussion and transition related resources for youth & families. RSVP is preferred, but drop-ins welcome. Register here or email to RSVP. |
AutismBC Launch Workshops | April 2018 |
AutismBC is hosting Transition into Adulthood Workshop Series for families in West and North Vancouver called Launch into Life! The 3-part evening workshop series helps families to create an Individualized Transition Plan for their youth and provides valuable information in the following domains: Series #1 is for families with lower support needs The cost of the workshop is $25 per family. AFU funding can be used. To register or for more information, please click here. |
EmploymentWorks Canada |
EmploymentWorks Canada is a newly designed program that offers employment preparedness training for individuals ages 15-29 with ASD, who are no longer attending school and are seeking opportunities to develop the essential skills necessary to obtain meaningful and sustainable paid employment. Click here to learn more. |
Find Support BC |
Find Support BC connects families of persons with disabilities with resources available to them. Transitions Timeline |
North Shore Disability Resource Centre |
The North Shore Disability Resource Centre directly serves over 450 individuals through our residential and community based programs. Click here for more information. |
TeenWork Canada |
TeenWork is an innovative program, from CanAssist at the University of Victoria, which is designed to change the life path of youth with disabilities and/or mental health challenges by helping them find and retain part-time paid employment. TeenWork works with participants through self-awareness and skills-building workshops and activities, and provides job coaching on site at workplaces once a position is found. Click here to read more. |