The 7th Component: Celebrating the Unique Me

Please send your feedback on this core component to:

Guiding Questions

  • The 7th Component compels a foundational understanding that every student is unique and special in ways that deserve to be celebrated and supported
  • This uniqueness compels everyone who is connected to a student with complex needs to appreciate and embrace the many ways in which these differences are richly expressed
  • The 7th Component also acknowledges all that is unknown and yet to be discovered in terms of supporting complex learners
  • It is a space that is also intended to capture any area of focus that does not fit comfortably into any of the other six components




  • To provide students with genuine opportunities to share their strengths, interests and dreams, for now and the future.



Key Actions

  • Collect data from parents, school personnel and experts from the field on ways in which supporting a student with complex needs is foundationally situated on who they are as an individual, with a concerted focus on their strengths, interests and dreams.
  • Schedule inservice for school personnel aimed at further developing this essential component.
  • Meaningfully integrate this component with the work being done on: strengthening the home-school partnerships, designing quality educational plans, supporting student transitions, nurturing social-emotional development and mental health and enhancing professional skillset.



Indicators of Progress

  • Collect pre and post data from parents and school personnel who are supporting a complex learner to determine if key actions have resulted in successful outcomes as they relate to supporting student transition.
  • Use this information to meaningfully inform key actions for further development of this component in the 2018/2019 academic year.


Amazing Things Project

Amazing Things Project Video
An introduction to autism that aims to raise awareness among young non-autistic audiences, to stimulate understanding and acceptance in future generations. It is intended to be viewed, discussed and shared widely by anyone but especially teachers and parents. Watch the video here.